Monday, August 01, 2011




Material;  Slab-built Ball Clay Electric High Fired.
                                    Clay is from Borneo. 
                   Ball clays are relatively scarce deposits due to the combination of geological factors needed for their formation and preservation.
Size;  19.5 inches long x 9.5 inches wide x 14.5 inches high
{ 482.6 mm x 254 mm x 381 mm }
Finish;  Wax Dye
Edition;  One Off ... No Copies Made
                 {Original Artists Proof }
Year;  2008

A 'Certificate of Proof' will be provided and signed by the Artist.
Copyright remains with the Artist.
If you are interested in this work for your collection please contact me at ....

                                            The thinking behind the work

Your first impression when looking at this work might be that it is in a 'naive style'. My intention throughout modeling this work was to keep it simple in style because I wanted to portray rejection and loneliness and also our dependence on companionship of any kind.

I think that the fisherman has to be content in what he is doing for a livelihood but also content in his own mind when out in sea and the elements that he cannot let any 'wild ideas' be running through his mind otherwise he would not go to sea each day.

In my sculpture 'Not Talking' my fisherman is naked symbolising his vulnerability to the sea and his offering of himself to the elements in life ... his dependence on his dog for companionship and when he and the dog had a disagreement and are 'not talking' his shame and isolation are now the most important thing happening in his life and even though the two are in the same boat both have their backs turned to each other and on their own in their emotions and thoughts.

I have given the dog the 'intelligent look' and that he is right in his point of view that he is looking towards the sky as if he is telling someone his side of the story. The fisherman in his shame and rejection by his companion the dog who shares his boat everyday has his head buried in his hat as if he does not want to hear and is in disbelief of what is happening to him. The bottle of beer between the two symbolises that it might be what came 'between' them and, or is part of life.

The deeper meaning in the work is that as human beings we are all sailing in our own boats {LIFE} and that we can all act in the same way in our own relationships and our dependence on others.

Creative Commons License
NOT TALKING by DAF is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Malaysia License.
Based on a work at www,
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at