Edition; One Off ... No Copies Made

Material; Slab-built Ball Clay Electric High Fired.
Clay is from Borneo.
Ball clays are relatively scarce deposits due to the combination of geological factors needed for their formation and preservation.
Size; Life Size.
Finish; Wax Dye, Acrylic Paint and 24k Pearl Gold.
Edition; One Off ... No Copies Made
{Original Artists Proof }
Year; 2009.

A 'Certificate of Proof' will be provided and signed by the Artist.
Copyright remains with the Artist.
If you are interested in this work for your collection please contact me at ....

The thinking behind the work
This work is dealing with 'Good' and 'Bad' in a way as we as human beings classify emotions and events in our lives. If you think about the title of the sculpture 'Contagious' then you as the viewer will bring thoughts up in your own mind as to what you would term 'Good' or 'Bad' ... for both can be contagious.
The world is as it is but the imprint we leave behind helps to make the world as it is ... everything in it is contagious.
CONTAGIOUS by DAF is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Malaysia License.
Based on a work at www,
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at